Samurai Organic Living Soil (available in 20 Liter)

Upgraded versions of Takumi reduce soil compaction, increasing aeration breathable for roots. 100% Natural organic material. Complete balanced nutrition living soil for plants and rich in beneficial microorganisms for soil and plants.

Benefits of our living soil:

  1. Improved Soil Health: Organic living soil promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi which help break down organic matter and release nutrients in a form that plants can readily absorb.

  2. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly: Organic living soil practices minimize the need for synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical inputs, reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

  3. Enhanced Nutrient Availability: Living soil contains a diverse array of organic matter, including compost, worm castings, and other natural amendments, which provide a continuous source of nutrients for cannabis plants.

  4. Balanced pH Levels: Organic living soil tends to have a buffered pH level, which helps maintain a stable growing environment for cannabis plants.

  5. Enhanced Flavor and Aroma: Organic cultivation methods, including the use of living soil, can enhance the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of cannabis buds.

  6. Regenerative Agriculture Practices: Organic living soil cultivation aligns with principles of regenerative agriculture, which focuses on building soil health, restoring ecosystems, and promoting resilience in agricultural systems.

  7. Resilience to Environmental Stressors: Cannabis plants grown in organic living soil often exhibit greater resilience to environmental stressors, such as temperature fluctuations, drought, or pest pressure.

Usage instruction:

  1. Put soil into grow pot in any desirable size (3,5,7 Gallons or else)

  2. Take germinated plant or clone plant to the soil (not recommend grow from seed)

  3. Water the soil regularly 1-1.5 L. fertilize along with other nutrients such Fish Amino Fertilizer during Vegetative Stage and NinjaKick Bloom Booster on Flowering Stage.

Sales and purchases contact

Contact Khun Sui (พี่สุ่ย) for sales and purchases for flowers, products, concentrates and exports.@: M: +6691-782-9291